El Capataz – Culinary Scene
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El Capataz – Culinary Scene

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By Selina Villarreal

I was surfing the net the other day. Do people still use that term… “Surfing the net?” I’m totally dating myself. Well, I came across this little diddy: http://www.texashighways.com/cuisine-confidential/item/7652-cuisine-confidential-el-capataz-roberto-gonzalez-laredo.

Something about the power of persuasion that manages to get me out of bed, pause my marathon Netflixing and venture out in to the real world and do I dare say mingle with actual real people. Well, that’s what I did, thank you Texas Highways.

I decided to stop by El Capataz and satisfy my craving of fish and chips (in my head I’m saying that in my best British accent). I need to be ready if anyone ever decides to invite me across the pond. Gotta say, I was not disappointed. Who knew yumminess like this existed if you just put some pants on and stepped away from Netflix? Why didn’t y’all let me in on this little secret sooner?

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The fish and chips served were two huge, massive, mouth watering, crispy codfish fillets with a light panko breading. The plate came with malt vinegar, an order of mexa fries and a house chipotle remoulade sauce. After devouring this plate I came to the realization that I should’ve either worn stretchy pants or a flowy dress. Sinfully delicious!

This amazing meal left me a bit parched and I decided to wash it all down with a draft beer sampler. I’m a creature of habit. When beer is on the menu I’ll be ordering a Lone Star. But I was feeling adventurous and decided I’d wet my whistle with a sampler instead. If you order the sampler, you get to choose four beers from what’s on tap. I stayed on the light end since dark beers scare me.
I also noticed something new and that was additional seating availability. The new expansion is beautiful. It totally fits in with the El Capataz vibe and still manages to have an intimate feel.
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Y’all, if I can get of the sofa and venture out for real food that doesn’t come through a drive-thru window then you guys can also head on over to El Capataz and enjoy a delicious meal. Invite your friends, say hi to Chef Bobby Gonzalez and don’t forget your stretchy pants.

El Capataz is located at 7220 Bob Bullock Loop, C-7. You can also find them online at www.el-capataz.com. Bon Appetit!

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