Celebrating National Travel and Tourism Week in Laredo: #TealForTourism
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Celebrating National Travel and Tourism Week in Laredo: #TealForTourism

As National Travel and Tourism Week (NTTW) approaches its 41st anniversary, Laredo, Texas, is gearing up to celebrate the significant contributions of the U.S. travel industry. From May 19 to May 25, 2024, Visit Laredo will join the nationwide festivities, highlighting the crucial role travel plays in driving economic growth and fostering innovation. This year's theme, #TealForTourism, symbolizes the unity and vitality of the travel sector.

NTTW, established in 1983, has become a cherished tradition that recognizes the profound impact of travel on the nation's economy, communities, and interpersonal connections. Over the years, this annual event has spotlighted how travel contributes to economic expansion, creates quality jobs, inspires entrepreneurship, and enhances the lives of Americans.

Join Visit Laredo in celebrating NTTW, a week dedicated to appreciating the U.S. travel sector's essential role in economic vitality, community vibrancy, employment opportunities, commercial ventures, and the overall well-being of Americans.

The travel industry is a catalyst for economic success across various sectors. In 2023, the U.S. travel sector contributed an astounding $1.3 trillion to economic output and supported 15 million jobs. This immense contribution has benefited communities, empowered small businesses, and sustained households nationwide. Additionally, travel spending generated nearly $89 billion in state and local taxes, crucial for funding essential public services.

In Laredo, the travel industry sustains over 5,000 jobs, underscoring its significant impact on the local economy. The Laredo Convention & Visitors Bureau, in collaboration with Mayor Dr. Victor Treviño, will acknowledge the invaluable contributions of travel during a special proclamation on Monday, May 20, 2024.

National Travel and Tourism Week is not just a celebration but a reminder of the travel industry's vital role in economic and social well-being. By participating in NTTW, communities and individuals alike can show their support for an industry that enriches lives and drives progress.

For more information on National Travel and Tourism Week, visit UsTravel.org/NTTW or VisitLaredo.com.

Let's come together to celebrate and promote the importance of travel and tourism in Laredo and beyond. Embrace #TealForTourism and be a part of a tradition that honors the power of travel to make a positive impact on our world.
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